Monday, June 6, 2011

Arti Nama Anggota GFB Menurut (Bag. 2)

Halo halo bandung, tadi habis liat-liat post sebelumnya ada post "Arti Nama Anggota GFB Menurut" yang ditulis Disa. Yang belum tau atau lupa liat dulu aja di sini.
Tapi di post sebelumnya, cuma sampai Dito doang. Nah sekarang saya akan ngelanjutin, dari Dimas sampai Luhur.

An historic name of unknown origin. Saint Dimas, the Good Thief, was written about in the Bible.

If you know someone named Dimas, you are very blessed indeed. He is both wise and funny, outrageous yet surprisingly calm. He can kill you with a stare, but love you rather sheepishly.
He accomplishes everything he puts his mind to.
If your name is Dimas, you are one special person!

[wah wah, dimas ternyata spesial. tapi kok The Good Thief maksudnya apa?]

Faishal isn't defined yet.

Luhur isn't defined yet.

yah, cuma Dimas doang yang ada artinya. tidakserumenyeru nih :P



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